is a completely preventable condition! All you have to do is take a few steps
to keep yourself and your family safe.
Dengue Prevention Tips:
Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are known
to bite humans during the day and their most common breeding grounds are
man made
containers. Therefore, it is advisable not to allow water to remain stagnant.
- Remember
to clean out empty flower pots and not to over water potted plants. If the
container that contains water cannot be emptied, remember to cover it well
when not in use.
- Turn over empty pails and buckets, so that excess
water does not remain stagnent.
- Use mosquito repellants regularly. Apply it
well on all exposed areas, during the day as well as at night.
- Make sure your window and door screens do not
have any holes. If so, block those areas properly to eliminate mosquitoes.
- Always sleep under a mosquito net.
- If you use a cooler remember to empty out and
clean the water tray regularly, even when not in use.
- Always cover your trash can when not in use.
- A
natural method to keep mosquitos at bay is to plant tulsi (holy Basil) near your window. The plant has properties that
do not allow mosquitoes to breed.
- Using
camphor as a repellant also works wonders. Light camphor in a room and close all the doors and windows. Leave
it this way for about fifteen to twenty minutes to have a mosquito free
Symptoms of Dengue Fever
The principal symptoms of dengue are:
High fever and at least two of the following:
Severe headache
Severe eye pain (behind eyes)
Joint pain
Muscle and/or bone pain
Mild bleeding manifestation (e.g., nose or gum bleed, or easy bruising)
Low white cell count
younger children and those with their first dengue infection have a milder
illness than older children and adults.
Watch for warning signs as temperature
declines 3 to 7 days after symptoms began. Go IMMEDIATELY to an emergency room or the closest
health care provider if any of the following warning
signs appear:
Severe abdominal pain or persistent vomiting
Red spots or patches on the skin
Bleeding from nose or gums
Vomiting blood
Black, tarry stools (feces, excrement)
Drowsiness or irritability
Pale, cold, or clammy skin
Difficulty breathing